Do four things and I promise you, unless your metabolism is screwed to heaven high, you will shed some weight. 1. Cut all high fructose corn syrup from your diet. Seriously, eating sugar by the bloody teaspoon is better for you than this. One of my ex girl friends did this and shed 40lbs in […]
Reflections on a chat with Sybilka, and Henry Miller
Henry Miller, often makes for bizarre reading. Black Spring in particular hits me in the gut in a visceral way. Parts of the book are almost tediously full of the piss, snot, cum, and general excretions of everyday human existence. Henry Miller is Tom Waits in print, or more appropriately (giving credit where it is […]
If love is the answer, then what is the question?
“everything fornicates..” – the motto on a COIL T-Shirt. A sad thing about the English language, our language is often inadequate in discussing love. For example, many languages have 2, 3, or more words for love, themselves relating to different aspects, types, or degrees of love. We use “love” to mean everything from fucking (ah, […]
Swine Flu Blues..
Swine Flu? My gut tells me – not only is the media blowing things up into a scare, irresponsibly, BUT this has got to be something bio engineered. I bet dollars to doughnuts, come on, healthy young adults dropping in Mexico? it has entire segments of the bird flu, one gene segment from a human […]