Observations 19, February 2011

Gnomic hikam to contemplate whilst brushing your teeth.. Those questioning your morality are sometimes projecting their immorality on you, the shaming gambit is distraction. There is beauty everywhere around us, failure to notice this is a function of not paying attention, or seriously jaundiced vision. Every mark somehow sought his scam. Each Lolita seeks her […]


– Ke$ha, is like the Tracy Twyman of popular music. I deleted the rather insulting verbiage following that observation about both women, both are not without their talents and … public roles. On Kesha, doubtless there are a few perverts reading this blog. What follows is simply out of an aesthetic appreciation of her dancing […]

Links to shake a stick at – all for Feb. 5 2011

On a snowy Saturday morning with Charles Mingus, the Swans, Tricky, and Joy Division on my CD changer…. The Fantasy of Democracy, If Any. Ever. By Fred on Everything http://www.fredoneverything.net/FOXghanistan2.shtml Friendly Feudalism and Tibet, by Michael Parenti http://www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html Egypt : Some other Perspective. By Layla Anwar http://arabwomanblues.blogspot.com/2011/02/another-perspective.html Cunnilingus is the new tobacco. By Ferdinand http://www.inmalafide.com/2011/02/02/cunnilingus-is-the-new-tobacco/ […]