Readings I found interesting this week: A word on Culture Vultures Brilliant – there is a method and logic to this, even if you are not paying attention. Some, who do not pay attention to the real game, can feel free to playing racial and ethnic nationalist games, in arenas built to occupy you […]
the lying filth who plot suicide bombings
Are not only hypocrites and evil sedition planning assholes of the highest degree, but they simply are not remotely anything truly resembling Muslim. The very Sharia most of these guys claim to uphold actually calls for the execution by summary crucifixion of people carrying out these horrible crimes. But enough of village idiot pseudo-Molvis in […]
Pashtunistan and Kurdistan
This is a hypothetical exercise. Do not misconstrue it. It’s a mental exercise fleshing out some controversial ideas, that are very open to criticism. I am considering the idea that a formal greater Pashtunistan should be considered among geo-political thinkers. The same with Kurdistan, for while I do not think turkey’s territorial integrity should be […]
A site I just discovered
“..Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile…” Abu Bakr I recommend this link. I am not an affiliate, nor have I commercial interests in this site. The guy behind it has some useful instructional quick videos on various Kettle bell based conditioning workouts – basically just working the ever so […]