Why you, and I, are screwed.

Examine this graph very closely. http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/1001082_federal_revenue.pdf ”  ’nuff said…” Both sides of the official political divide, republicans and democrats, have been lying to you and I through their teeth. Whilst we have been shouldering the brunt of federal tax revenues since the bloody 1940’s corporations have been paying an increasing smaller percentage. Frankly, I favor […]

A musing on the topic of fake tits.

Breast Implants, better known as “fake tits” – their appearance are increasingly prevalent phenomenon among American women. British women as well. So, let us say, Anglo-American, or “Anglosphere” women. I don’t notice them much among foreign women. They seem particularly absent among Asiatic races, as well as African (no real need there), and even among […]