Rainy day quotations on Sunday the second of May 2010

” Ideologies are of course just systematic ways of misunderstanding the world. They are the province of herd thinkers, people who have the answer before they’ve heard the question, and they always have the same answer. The more ardently liberal or conservative they are, the worse they are. Serious ones get bitter and start lying without even knowing it, mostly to themselves..” – Fred Reed, of Fred On Everything.

[k.s. oh, buy Fred’s books. They will put you in stitches…]

“..You try so hard but you don’t understand
just what you will say when you get home
because something is happening here but you don’t know what it is
do you, Mr. Jones?
You raise up your head and you ask ‘Is this where it is?’
and somebody points to you and says ‘It’s his’
and you say ‘what’s mine?’ and somebody else says ‘well what is?’
and you say ‘Oh my god am I here all alone?’
but something is happening and you don’t know what it is
do you, Mr. Jones?..” – Bob Dylan, the Ballad of a Thin Man
“..There is an intellectual intuition and a sensible intuition; one lies  beyond reason, but the other is situated on its hither side; the latter can only know the world of changing and becoming, that is to say nature, or rather, an inferior part of nature. The domain of intuition, on the contrary, is the province of eternal and immutable principles; it is the
realm of metaphysics.

To comprehend universal principles directly the transcendent intellect must itself be of the universal order; it is no longer an individual faculty, and to consider it as such would be con  tradictory, as it is not within the power of the individual to go beyond his own limits and leave the conditions which limit him qua individual. Reason is a specifically human faculty, but that which lies beyond reason is truly “non-human”; it is this which makes metaphysical knowledge possible, and that knowledge, one must again em  phasize, is not a human knowledge.

In other words, it is not as man that man can attain it, but because this being which is human in one of its aspects is at the same time something other and more than a human being. It is the attainment of effective consciousness of supra-individual states which is the real object of metaphysics, or better still, of metaphysical knowledge itself….” – Rene Guenon, in the essay Oriental Metaphysics

“..So  the  mythopoetic  lore  of  imaginal  worlds,  manifest  on  the  psychic  or intermediary plane, may have a valid and spiritually operative relationship to the world of metaphysical  Principles,  the  intelligible  plane  –  and  this  is  definitely  true  of  the “cyclical mysteries,” the legends of earlier aeons which were (and are) less constricted, less materialized  than  the world we  presently  inhabit.  To  project  our  contemporary concept of linear historical time backwards into earlier world ages is problematic, since different ages have different essential qualities; to consider previous yugas to be nothing more than earlier historical periods as we presently define them is to blind ourselves to
these qualities. Yet earlier worlds are not mere allegories of higher ontological  levels; they were (and are) real manifested worlds – formal worlds, not transformal intelligible Principles…” – Charles Upton in his essay, Atlantis and Hyperborea


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