European Union MP’s vote to Ban Anonymous Blogs Folks, don’t think it can’t also happen here. You may say you have nothing to hide. But do you? Are your political, environmental or human rights views out of sync with the majority? A whistle blower at a company doing something illegal? Want to warn fellow citizens […]
A source of Cincinnati baby mama/daddy drama
So, in the course of my daily business, I ended up pleasantly chatting with a gal who happens to be a freelance lady of the night. Lady of the night? What a euphemism (or would it be “an euphemism”) Actually, she was more or less a lady of both day and night time. And with […]
Part 2. Financial Derivatives and Defaut Swaps – Everything you ever wanted (or not) to know about them.
Now to swaps: one type of Derivative you’ve heard of on CNN or NPR is the Credit Default Swap. It is used to hedge risk in credit. Basically the risk that one person will default on their debt to another. Explaining CDS s will make this blog very long, but suffice to say CDS’s made […]
Part 1. Financial Derivatives and Defaut Swaps – Everything you ever wanted (or not) to know about them.
“Everything counts in Large Amounts…” – Depeche Mode. So you want to understand the financial crisis more? Understand why we are all but in a depression (for we’ve been in a recession for at least a year, according to some analysts.) Then you have to understand the humble lil derivative. Derivatives, what are derivatives, and […]