My tiny prejudice against Twitter

The logo says it all.

It twits
It twits

Cute little fellow.  Ain’t it?

Why, it tweets, and it twits, and..

It’s a bird brain.

For the life of me I cannot take seriously a service that calls itself “twitter” that has a mascot like so –>

I can’t make myself do it. Are there marketing advantages? Is is fun? Of course. Granted in the middle ages one definition of the word fun was “the activity of fools” – but lord, I do like some fun now and then.

But I just can’t make myself do twitter yet. My prejudice, my loss. I have no doubt twitter’s a useful tool in the right hands.

I also have no doubt that tools such as twitter, SMS texts, and the like, can be outright pernicious in mischievous hands and that their general use can give you…

a bird brain

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