The colors may change, but the substance stays the same, by Ferdinand Bardamu This one made me think a bit.. Heart Workout, The Journey of the Body, Thoughts on Temperance Rape is not funny. Yes, even when it’s George Michael. (updated), by Indigo Jo A hint of Orwell In the UK, No […]
The Downward Spiral
musings on yesteday’s sunset, seen driving down I75 (scribled on a reciept while driving)
Kemal’s wretched though amusing attempts at verse continue: I surveyed the setting sun Then the east’s dying embers Red and purple waves amidst a blue froth rippled in the middle spreading out in waves descending through the valley flanked with undergrowth horizon streaked with contrails high above the lazy haze this valley of soot retains […]
Took a little leave of absence, some travel, some research, some work, and some relaxation. The regular program shall resume shortly.
Links of the day, Sunday 3 October 2010
Fall is upon us. “..Night calls on summer’s end / Dark aspect, breed divine Knee-deep, the blood of swine / Come season, come reborn November Coming Fire..” – Samhain, November Coming Fire, as sung by Glen Danzig “..Winter kept us warm, covering / Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. / […]