Let’s read about hustlers and hackers (in the old school sense). Some novels are guilty pleasures, others are simply de rigueur – I recommend, for your reading pleasure, Mule: A Novel of Moving Weightby Tony D’Souza and The Bug, by Ellen Ullman. Both are books dripping with detail, well researched and very, very convincing.. From […]
Sloppy Reflections on Sikora’s Telegraph Piece on Cancer Treatment
We live in an age of Cyberpunk Science Fiction like medical technology, in which the exploration of the human body and its pathologies have taken quantum leaps forward. Adn yet the not to be conquered barrier of physical death, that “undiscovered country” remains. Cancer, increasingly and tragically common, and horrific on all levels -God preserve […]
Watching Caprica with Baruti
I was over at Baruti’s place hanging out, talking about web back-linking and SEO, and checking out his new Computer Entertainment setup when he asked me if I’d ever seen Caprica. I never heard of it so he popped it in and we started watching it. I really got into it, I didn’t realize the […]
Quote of the day, 17 September 2010
“Windows 7, Brilliant operating system! Great performance, one where for the first time in history all the backdoors are actually part of the functionality. The first OS where the transition of control from hacker to user is smooth and seamless. Brilliant and beautiful – sure your private data’s wide open, but consider this – is […]