I just lost 50 hours of my life, and almost 4 years of development work, contracts, proposals, and email, because of two things: 1. My generally lazy approach to backups. Really, 350GB drives are dime a dozen these days but I still rotate 3 year old archives on and off aging 20GB hard drives and […]
a final lesson someone taught me, and a Jhon Balance Quote
My father taught me one last lesson. I believe you can not truly understand life until you have actually seen, with your own eyes, someone die before your eyes. This ideally gives you a sense of proportion. Short of threshold experiences like: loosing your virginity, Satori / Nirvana / Enlightenment, and dying oneself, seeing life […]
Show Review: 04.17.07: Z’ev, Sikhara, and other Industrial Acts, Cincinnati Noise
Be forewarned: This ain’t Marlyn Mansion, and it ain’t Nine Inch Nails “Aw dude, I m missed the triple line-up Def Leopard, Nine Inch Nails, Avril Lavinge Show last night!!” “Aw dude, it was a bitchin show !” “Really, hey lets go the mall and drown my regret in consumerist shopping!” “Alright! Yeah, Bitchin!” As […]
Adventures in RealEstate (my life as a ‘we buy ugly houses guy’)
I try to imagine the conditions under which Donna Trevino once lived. That statement’s relevance will become apparent as you read below. If she wins her lawsuit I am going to beat my head against a wall. Ok, ugly story below, my Ramadan-time rants. Part one will be “My adventures as a ‘we buy ugly […]