(rest in peace Nicole Lynn) For some reason, some people’s presence tends to touch me a great deal, almost hauntingly. A friendship thats somewhat improbable. Sometimes there is a touch of eros, in a “it would never work out” sort of way but still the lingering trace of desire buried on purpose. Sometimes there is […]
Knowledge, Reason, Slavery, Intellect, and systems of reasoning
Reason: a cognitive faculty, it is not the only useful one but is supremely useful. In modern English usage reason is often equated as the sum total of our cognitive abilities and intelligence. it is not, it is part of a subset and a highly useful, and highly under-developed, faculty of the intellect. The raw […]
Hurricanes, Ethanol Prices and Financial crisis – another factor in your tank
‘Everything counts in large amounts…’ – Depeche Mode And in small amounts too. Do gasoline prices have you down? Well they have me down as well. But if you are reading this from the tri-state, be comforted by this fact. They are higher elsewhere. I was up in Canada this week, up in Vancouver gas […]
Kamal’s Authentic Chai Milk Tea
I would be glad to demonstrate this recipe to anyone on request. Attractive femes with curly hair are more than welcome to stop by my place for a demonstration. For your distinct pleasure, here is Kamal S.’s authentic Chai. Better than the Tazo brand you probably drink, and quite good for moods of contemplation at […]