Uncle All’s usual brand of noise and chaos.. but LISTEN to the lyrics. Consider it deprogramming.
Review – USSA, Paul Barker post-Ministry, and Jesu’s Conqurer
I rarely listen to music anymore – little of it inspires me anymore, I HATE the constant “song in the head” phenomena, and frankly haven’t had time. I’m working more jobs than an FOB third-worlder dumped in the middle of the big apple. Catchy “song in the head” loops just make me grumpy nowdays. I […]
ancient Jailhouse Poetry found in a history book…
The translation is choppy, but the sentiment strikes me deep. “Ask him who taunts us with the vissitudes of fortune; has fortune ever thwarted any but men of worth?Look at the sea: do not carcasses float on the surface, while pearls lie deep on its bottom?If the hands of trouble have fastened upon us and […]
Coffee beans and Arbitrage in a couple of easy steps.
What is arbitrage? People in the habit of watching CNN or foxnews coverage of the financial crisis may hear this word now and then, and if you hang out with hedge fund managers such annoying terms like arbitrage and alpha probably roll off their tongues whilst drunk. Behold, I shall define Financial Arbitrage. Arbitrage, quick, […]