This is not a happy blog, but it is about things which are necessary to think about. I wrote an earlier review about an interesting book, “The Queen’s Slave Trader” – I recommend that you read it. Some people hide from such things, taking scant comfort in a New Age “see no evil, hear no […]
“You are being lied to about pirates ” by Johann Hari
I found this story to be thought provoking. You are being lied to about pirates, by Johann Hari. San Francisco Bay View. April 11, 2009 Who imagined that in 2009, the world’s governments would be declaring a new War on Pirates? As you read this, the British Royal Navy – backed by the ships of […]
“Scrambled Eggs Textus”.
This makes Scrambled Eggs for two. This tastes very good, and makes a lovely Sunday morning, post coitus, breakfast. Believe me not? Try it yourself. 6 eggs (brown preferred) salt/pepper (to taste) 2-3 oz Ghee (or failing that fresh butter)
Good incense versus nag champa
Nag Champa is not good incense, though many good and sincere people are of the impression it is. I grant you, it smells better than burnt sawdust, perhaps “good” is relative. In much the way that well Gin is better than, say, rubbing alcohol, a delightful romp with a neurotic coke-thin feme picked up at […]