“Tao is forever and he that possesses it, though his body ceases, is not destroyed.” Before straying too far into this, pondering these ideas does not imply that I necessarily subscribe to, or believe in, the symbolic or literally stated import of all of these ideas. I do, however, find them highly interesting on a […]
Post midnight ramblings, Clifton by Moonlight
03:00, and most of Cincinnati sleeps. Even Ludlow avenue slumbers, except the Skyline chili parlor. An attractive, young, though gently used, waitress stands outside its doors, catches my gaze, smiles, and takes a long slow draw on her cigarette. I incline my head, return her smile, and cross the street. Naught concerns me now except […]
Protected: 30 stone Bint – Is this a possible argument for eugenics?
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