About a year ago I was standing, hanging on the corner, with a friend, notorious thinker and man about town, Khalid Bey, when he threw out a provocative little line: “Kemal, there are two, and only two, types of people; Masters, and Slaves. Whether this is for better or for worse is irrelevant, it’s a […]
Equality of Men and Women, in the Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
Something interesting I stumbled across. Sexuality during the Renaissance is a very interesting, and complex, topic. The roots of the modern world and modern attitudes lie in this period. Charles and Jennifer Upton’s “Shadow of the Rose: The Esoterism of the Romantic Tradition” deals with the spiritual aspects of pre-modern traditions of Romantic love, also […]
To master and ride our nightmares
“The Feeling of Power must be projected in a thrust towards the future. To feel it in the present is to come to a halt… Man synthesizes in himself that which in the world has unfolded in time. The synthesis of the events assembles in him and becomes an actual event in his consciousness – […]
Tibet, Afghanistan: The Empires Russia, America, and China – Musings on a new century.
“I shall go far and far into the North, playing the Great Game….” – Kim, by R. Kipling Once, during the Cold War, the Soviet ambassador to Pakistan gave Pakistan’s president a slender leather bound book. When asked what it was the Soviet answered that it was a statement of the USSR’s foreign policy. The […]