So, a few of my blogs and other php based software sites have been hacked. Annoying and frustrating, as if I didn’t have enough headaches. These sort of things cost time, and time is something I’ve had very little of lately. But the mechanics of it all are fascinating, I’ve been forced to delve into […]
Henry Miller on Expatriates and America
I am now reading The Air Conditioned Nightmare, by Henry Miller Interesting observations by Mr Miller 50 years ago. “..America is no place for an artist: to be an artist is to be a moral leper, an economic misfit, a social liability. A corn-fed hog enjoys a better life than a creative writer, painter or […]
Man, Woman, angel, demon, beast. Part Two
Thus Begins Part Two. Looking back at my previous post, missing from both misogynist approaches to the female nature, valuing the male above all, and misandrist approaches to the male nature, valuing the female above all, is the appreciation of nuanced readings of human nature. A basic Modern Western tendency is to, in ideology, deny […]
Thoughts on Pessimism and Optimism..
I used to know someone who went around saying “Optimism, its for the weak.” The sentiment’s not new, the phrase is the title of an LP by the Dark Ambient electronic musicians “Tugend” I have to agree and disagree with the sentiment, at the same time. Both optimism and pessimism, in certain forms, may be […]