As an amateur cultural observer (critic would sound too pretentious) I have to notice that Free Jazz, Punk, and Underground Hip-Hop face similar situations. But first, Punk… is quite dead. in fact it was pretty close to being dead 20 years ago, though in the strange way that forms of cultural rebellion do retain some […]
My take on the Glen Beck Rally
“Unleash the kraken !” I rarely agree with her views, but Anna Belle’s post on the Glen Beck rally, posted at Peacocks and lilies, is cogent and hits some good points. She writes at: Someone really dear to me used to love Glen Beck, in between watching re-runs of Mystery Science theater and listening […]
Links of the day, Sunday 5, Sept. 2010
Links I found interesting last week. Victim reveals horror of vaccine trials’ secret legacy Kill them all: James J. Lee and the fraud of environmentalism, by Ferdinand Bardamu Democratic Voodoo Keeps Us on This Path Haredis and FGM: like a newly caught fish Misquoting Qur’an To Misinterpret Islam by Sh. G. […]
Review: Roxana Shirazi’s The Last Living Slut: Born in Iran, Bred Backstage
[ed. If anyone screams misogyny at this review I am going to scream and pull out half my beard, just read the bloody book; it’s tedious to anyone with an adult attention span. Also if anyone screams hypocritical prudery, I’ll tear out the rest of my beard and fling it at them. I’m not a […]