Why you, and I, are screwed.

Examine this graph very closely. http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/1001082_federal_revenue.pdf ”  ’nuff said…” Both sides of the official political divide, republicans and democrats, have been lying to you and I through their teeth. Whilst we have been shouldering the brunt of federal tax revenues since the bloody 1940’s corporations have been paying an increasing smaller percentage. Frankly, I favor […]

Man, Woman, angel, demon, beast. Part Two

Thus Begins Part Two. Looking back at my previous post, missing from both misogynist approaches to the female nature, valuing the male above all, and misandrist approaches to the male nature, valuing the female above all, is the appreciation of nuanced readings of human nature. A basic Modern Western tendency is to, in ideology, deny […]