“Romantic love is much more, however, than the union of sexuality and affection, since this union itself requires a sublimation and refinement of soul. Nor is romantic love necessarily young love, nor adulterous love, nor love framed by war, nor even passionate love in the usual sense. Rather, it is that mode of love which […]
life’s simple pleasures
Schuon on “What is love?”
“..Love is in the depths of man as water is in the depths of the earth, and man suffers from not being able to enjoy this infinity that he carries within himself and for which he is made. It is necessary to dig deep into the soil of the soul through layers of aridity and […]
What to to with a Wounded Cock
Disclaimer: It needs to be stated that while this method has proven personally effective, this blog’s author is not a medical doctor, and cannot be held liable for any possible side effect of this treatment. Use common sense, maintain a reasonable level of personal hygiene, and you may also find the method effective. There comes […]
High Rep Deadlifts? I’m totally doing this on Monday
Caleb Lee just published a gem at double your gains: How To Get More Muscle & More Grip Strength With This Deadlift “Twist” http://doubleyourgains.com/how-to-get-more-muscle-more-grip-strength-with-this-deadlift-twist So I’m going to be on this one like white on rice. Mon., Wed., and Fri. I’ll report the results… If I’m still capable of typing by the end. _EOF