A list of sources, and commentary: I first heard rumors of Muhammad Abduh, Rashid Ridha, and their ideological father – Jamal al-din al-Afghani, having been high degree Freemasonic initiates about 16 years ago. Initially I dismissed the idea, it seemed to make little sense at the time, but I ran into this historical bugbear now […]
The Downward Spiral
Thoughtful Quotes of the day, 12/22/2009
Quotes I found thought provoking “Every fear is an unconfronted weakness.” – Kurt Saxon in the essay “Survival and the Paranoid” 1977 “Intellectual understanding in the strict sense is found at the highest pinnacle of human selfhood, what the philosophers call the “actual intellect.” When such understanding leaves the realm of pure intelligence and descends […]
George Orwell on Background Music
“..I have no doubt that, all over the world, hundreds of pleasure resorts similar to the one described above are now being planned, and perhaps are even being built. It is unlikely that they will be finished-world events will see to that-but they represent faithfully enough the modern civilised man’s idea of pleasure. Something of […]
a tragic shooting and a fund raiser
This week, on Thursday December 3, Sitewlls Coffeehouse is having a fund raiser for the family of Himid Kerdougheli. Himid is a local cab driver and well known, long-time, regular at Sitwells. Shocking and Horrifyingly, Himid was shot in the left side of his neck, on the evening of Saturday 11/29/2009. He was badly, though […]