Umar Vadillo Bey, the Rai’s of the Murabitun Movement – and a dynamic Basque thinker with a vision for Islam in Europe. John A. Young presenting authentic information on State suppression of civil rights, surveilliance and crypto government. Mark Baard, Journalist playfully commenting on the abuse of Science and social control.
The Downward Spiral
1000 ways to die, reading the signs of life, heaven and hell for dummies
Watch a show like 1000 Ways to die and you will quickly notice that most of the horrible hellish deaths on the show are the result, frequently, of sheer stupidity. The correct thing to do with a show like this is to learn from it. Do not do as these people have done, lest you […]
Reading the signs of life, and Schuon on Intuition and Intellection
Frithjof Schuon once wrote: “…In principle, every man is capable of intellection, for the simple reason that man is man; but in fact, intellectual intuition — the “eye of the heart” — is hidden under a sheet of ice, so to speak, because of the degeneration of the human species. So we may say that […]
I really fucking resent this .. in ways that I can’t even begin to state without ranting my fool head off..
“Screw you and your world Perpetually cut with lies I could stand the pain For long enough But the taste is just Too bitter” – Godflesh, “Avalanche Master Song” Link number fucking one. Amid Nanotech’s Dazzling Promise, Health Risks Grow More links are given below. You know, reading this sort of stuff makes me […]