“..there are of course many exceptions, for real skill will get its reward, but in the long run it is inevitable that the lower types of labor will have an exceedingly precarious life. One of the triumphs of our own golden age has been that slavery has been abolished over a great part of the […]
The State of Things – President Truman was clever.. Part 1
Who remembers president Truman? “There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.” President Henry Truman. And people wonder why I am such a history nerd. Here is another quote. I think you’ve heard this one. “Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est” “Knowledge itself is power” -Sir Francis Bacon “..Overt […]
Privacy and living in the world of Blade Runner..
The question is not what you have to hide, after all everyone has something to hide. An affair, a betrayal, a personal matter. Social views, religious views,gender views, sexual views, racial views, political views, all of which may go against the grain of your corporate work culture, or your circle of friends, or people you […]
How They Trace Phone Calls
I wrote this almost a decade ago, on usenet alt.phreaking. I just stumbled across it again, and decided to revise it heavily. It can use further improvements. For one, the advance in Phone Switch technology since the late 90’s includes the massive increase in VOIP (voice over IP) switching, and the forward march in traditional […]