Bad Weather Hysteria

What is climate change? “Bad Weather” – doesn’t sound quite as fancy now, does it?

Look, the author of the piece I’m linking to is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Which makes him rather competent on matters of weather. Far more so than al Gore
At least consider his arguments. Read, and use your own judgment.

And consider the possibility that much of what you are being told is producing massive profits for a few individuals.

As for the computer models, so many scientists have indicated that they are completely inaccurate, if you like, I will send you names of Nobel Price winning scientists regarding this. Computer models depend on their inputs, the weather is a complex system whose precise variables are unknown. As a career computer programmer trained in Computer science I know this. My friends who are physicists know the limitations of computer models, everyone does except the general public. You can make a simulation or model cough up at you almost anything, from there it’s simply a matter of honestly knowing what the researchers are putting into the formulas as variable values, what their constant values are.

No one can model the weather with any degree of accuracy for more than a few weeks, at best.

But we the public have been so trained to obey experts as if they were priests. Put the pope in a lab coat and there you go.

Oh, also check this one out:

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