Qitat – Two fragments of odes to dead poets

To Milton and Abu Nuwas: inspired by Elliot’s thoughts on individual talent and the tradition, behold, my ode to two poets, far better than I..

I. Milton; noble pedant, I like your blank verse,
produced by factory assembly lines,
for it does bore a legion of school boys,
who lack the lungs for heights of Parnassus!
And Satan, you made, ever so sexy,
Anne Rice owes you a debt, and so do I.

II. Abu Nuwas; perverse sodomist.
You hoary bearded pederast.
Immortality, your verses against,
sustainability. Of your wit,
to Araby’s diversity attest.
Abu Nuwas; courtly rapist,
of slender boys – perverse forced tryst.
By mud, your sword is dulled, yet not your wit.
Oh I’ll give you this, you’re ablest
with rhymes your verses, are like swords
and of your sword, you oft abused it

Old Haroun should have beat you blue.
In order to protect Baghdad’s youth,
from your muddied goat bag’s twist and screw.

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