Part 3 – Wrapping up stealing the thunder of Giants, and pissing on their Shoulders

Mishima[photo source]

So my posts have likely pissed off a few readers, in fact they probably haven’t launched into how empowering what I’m saying really is. What I’m trying to say, when internalized, may be far more relevant to you, as an individual, than your emotive knee jerk reaction may register.

An authentic Right and an authentic Left alike must, if either are to have any real legitimacy in an increasingly globalized and yet still fragmented, and dangerously so Balkanized, world, deal with the problems of the loss of Soul, of native and local cultures, as well as the fraudulent appropriation of others cultures. A solution for the latter is humbled admission or admiration and inspiration.

What I’m saying is you can stand on your own two feet, irrespective of whether or not your ancestors were slaves, serfs, cretins, peasants, or kings, nobles, heretics, bastard children of popes, or whatnot.

I admire Yukio Mishima – I wouldn’t say he is a hero, but as a writer and thinker, his deep flaws, his narcissism, and worship of form and surface notwithstanding, Mishima saw and understood things many of his contemporaries did not.

He understood that the gesture has power, and the sacrifices of cultures in talking on, and mastering (for the Japanese mastered Occidentalism better than the Occidentals) other civilization’s forms should never be forgotten. His letter to the London Times in 1969 should be read in depth and considered.

The Japanese response to Occidental modernity is similar to their initial embrace of then contemporary Chinese Civilization, early in their culture’s days. They were a primitive backwater until the Chinese stumbled on them, the exquisiteness of their culture overshadowed in many ways that of their Chinese tutors. To praise Japan is to praise Japan, at the same time Japan without China is not imaginable, as a civilization. That the Japanese exceeded their tutors in many ways takes nothing away from this.

The flowering of their civilization was roughly contemporaneous with Europe’s emergence out of the dark ages [her hands held by Arabs, the descendants of those same seafaring Arabians who originated the Punic civilizations and taught the Greeks and Latins the art of writing]. The Japanese, closed off by war and tyranny, when exposed to European modernity, repeatedly took it on with such fierce determination that even the Nazis were forced to admire them as a superior race.

Though not without its fell price; as Yukio Mishima noted, the loss of much of their culture’s soul. This is the price of modernity, the West itself has lost much of its soul, much of the cultural wealth and wisdom that it once held and knew, many of it’s children content in a commercialized consumerist rush to the gutter, the forms and broken eggshells and wondering at what their ancestors bequeathed, but much of its pith has evaporated leaving behind trinkets, toys, ever more wondrous machines, used by people whose wisdom does not reach their cleverness, even by half.

I’m saying your immediate reality, here and now, is molded by the memetics you inherited as much as the genetics, but that you can influence the memetics by your own hands. You can change your programming, or choose what to accept or reject in it.

It doesn’t take much of a look at history to realize something quite hidden that should be obvious; the vast majority of those things which races and nations collectively pride themselves in, are actually the achievements of specific people in that race or among that nation.

It would not surprise me if, before World War II, fewer than 1% of the population, at most, drove the cultural, scientific, and industrial innovation of the whole western world. The mass innovation afterwords was driven on this foundation’s establishment. At the most 5%. And that’s being very generous.

This is not difficult to verify, take the names of any given generation who were exceptional in music, in letters, in the arts, who registered patents for inventions, who were professors and researchers and scholars of note, even to pop culture heroes, from burlesque to piano, and then examine the total population in general. Do a less tendentious job than Charles Murray in that well printed and well financed butchery job he did on Human Achievement.

In some cases these were people who often were scorned, looked down upon, persecuted, or burned alive by the masses around them – by the ancestors of those people who wax proud about their achievements. Let’s not lie about such things.

In other cases, more amusingly, these were the achievements of a very incestuous close circle of a few people who were self styled, or actual, elites and these people, typically, looked upon their surrounding masses, most probably the immediate ancestors of those people now claiming them, as sub human beasts of burden.

In the case of Western Europe and America alike, this is blindingly obvious when one cares to call things by their proper names and avoid euphemisms. Until after World War II, most innovations took place at the hands of very few people, often borrowing from or outright plagiarizing the giants, from other civilizations, that inspired them.

It wasn’t too long ago that the majority of Europe’s population was actual slave labor, look into the etymology of the word serf and look at their legal realities if you want to quibble on this point with me. And it wasn’t too long ago, afterwords, that these masses were still virtually in effect, if no longer in law, effectively slave labor for a small elite.

This is historical reality, the vast majority of the population – black and white both – of North America, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe, are the children of a vast pool of slave labor, which perhaps almost 90% of Western Europe’s population was, and since feudalism was only ended in Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe from the 18th – 19th centuries this case is accentuated for Eastern Europeans.

But you are not limited to this, the fact that the great great great great, some removed, grandchildren of slaves and serfs are now bank presidents and inventors means that far more is involved than just heredity.

What’s wrong with ordinary folk? Nothing, someone has to keep things going for the ever so gifted inventors, scientists, poets, and other e’er do nothings.

To steal others’ glory is a common hobby, in Western European and America racialist or class discourses it’s indulged in to disgusting degrees. This pity is often the glory stolen, or at least borrowed, is that of other peoples.

The classical Greek and Roman heritage is not the direct heritage of anyone in Western Europe apart from a few Greeks, Italians, and oddly enough North Africans. Exceptions for Celts and Basques civilized at an early age by their Mediterranean enemies may be made. Teutonic and Gothic peoples were only really civilized up to roman standards by, ironically enough, a bunch of their Arab enemies.

The heights of civilization Rome achieved were not the heights of the Goths, Franks, Saxons and Nordic-Teutonic Europe, (and Rome was a piss poor student of the Greeks, their skills at bridge building, engineering, and warmaking notwithstanding)

Beyond this, Western and Northern Europe achieved nothing close to it until well after the crusades using Arab developed sciences, engineering, irrigation techniques, building techniques, and so on. Essentially Arab material civilization with a Romantic/Hellenic veneer on top. This is irrefutable for anyone who digs into the history.

Does it matter? Did not the West build an admirable civilization on these grounds?

Western civilization, and from it Modernity and post-Modernity, should be admired and given it’s due, “dead white men” should have respect given to them, the canon should include their works.

But when civilization itself is endangered, in an age of life endangering war, strife, and environmental risk, illusions must be abandoned and all civilizations, their contributions, and their failings, must be considered soberly.

None of this is to take away from What the West innovated on this base and developed, and took ownership of. It s to put things in perspective.

This hobby, appropriation of the glory of others without giving credit, acquires dangerous casts in partisan politics communal racial ethnic and otherwise. It’s led to gas chambers, forced sterilizations, and organized butchery of the supposedly different and alien by the supposedly superior, all from the cast of self protection – self protection of the exceptional from the non exceptional, defensive in nature, like purging a body of a disease or cancer.

To call it extermination is to eradicate the humanity of those slaughtered, it is simply murder, and someone has to call things by their proper names.

Those failing to do so are cowards by any name, and belie their supposed superiority.

The racialist communal strife meme of “Eurabia” – consider this, Europe itself is named, oddly enough, after a raped Semitic princes, Europa the Phoenician, whose name itself bears the lingering vestiges of her Arabian lands of origin – Europa, Araba; Europa always has been Eurabia. The lights of its remarkable civilization came from the south and then the east.

After pride comes the fall, a people unconscious of their origins are liable to make the same mistakes over and over.

The consequences of such mistakes may increase in severity and become burdensome for others.

You have been warned.

To admit that Rome, Athens, Baghdad, Cordova, Kairowan, Cairo, Peking, Timbuktu, or Tokyo inspired and molded us, birthed ideas dear to us that we inherited second hand by others who took them on from others, this admission is to admit that the giants on whose shoulders we stand existed.

To minimize their contributions is to participate in increasingly transparent fraud, but to claim their contributions as our own, if we are not the direct ancestors of these peoples, is adding fraud on top of fraud.

Your cousin’s accomplishments are not your own, much less than your cousin 20 times removed, and at that genetic distance to call one your cousin is to joke with serious facts.

With the increasing speed of information transfer, and the increasing degree to which a good deal of fragmented disparate knowledge can be accessed, short of wholesale burning or looting of national archives, or academic frauds (which do occur) of monstrous proportions, transparent national and racial frauds are all the more easily detected noticed and able to be dismissed, and their partisans exposed as liars.

This is why I hold Afrocentric and Eurocentric myths in equal, ill, regard. I don’t care about anyone’s feel good constructions of alternative histories, the real question is;

What are you doing today?

As the Quran emphatically says, “Fa ‘ayna tadhhabun?” (“and, where, are you going?”)

4 Comment

  1. Excellent set of posts, sir. Bravo.

  2. Heathcliff says:

    Let every Western nation import large numbers of Somalis that a new Renaissance may take hold.

  3. I think that would be ill advised, for both the western nations and the Somalis.

    And with due respect I suspect you know this 🙂

    A better way of creating a new Renaissance would be for individuals to get up off their asses and create it themselves without fretting about their self imposed genetic limitations, and with a clear realism about what effort accomplishes, and without delusions about, or reliance upon, myths of their own history or the history of others.

    As for immigration – no civilization should be forced to import large or small numbers of unassimilated immigrants from alien cultures unless the dominant majority of that civilization clearly welcome it, such demographic moves should not be imposed on high and when they are it’s typically an ill advised social engineering attempt.

    IF there was clear evidence that aspects of Somali culture could, in large quantities, inspire a “new renaissance” and the dominant majority was open to it, then sure import away.

    The point of my posts is to clear rhetorical waters about history of civilizations, and genetic limitations versus memetic limitations, and how they pertain to individuals.

    There is far too much teeth gnashing about civilization’s fall being attributed to demographic elements. Much of this rhetoric is self serving, DIY – do it yourself, be the change in the world you wish to see, if you have the capacity to excel in a certain field then do so, or shut up. If more people took this attitude and excelled and in so doing worked positive effects on the larger mass of people there would be less to teeth gnash about.

    Every man is capable of some measure of erudition and self cultivation, those with a positive project in mind should see the companies of others of like mind, at the end of the day if one feels thronged in by the “great unwashed masses” then question oneself, “have I done my best to make a vision I have understandable to those around me so that they could see how they could benefit from it?”

    The worse way to ride out a dark age is to cower in ivory towers and lament mythic golden ages, go out, act, do, lead, and those with half a wit will follow.
    As for Somalia if the rest of the world would stay out of the entire horn of Africa, cease proxy wars, arming differing parties, and generally engaged in monkey business due to the region’s strategic importance, things would sort themselves out there for the Somalis and they wouldn’t have to migrate anywhere.

    People forget the example of Somaliland, which no one recognizes for geopolitical reasons. Somaliland is a success story in a desperate milieu that the world ignores. Instead of aiding them, the larger conflict in Somalia is simply stoked.

    What’s going on there is far more complex than most people realize.

  4. Well thank you madam

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