Michael Wilson Archive

Rough and Dirty archive of Michael Wilson’s writings, collected over the years.

I am neither affiliated with the author of these papers, nor responsible for their content. They are posted “for fair use only” for non-commercial purposes of research and study.

I first stumbled on Michael Wilson’s writings on a bbs back in the mid 90’s. His ideas were highly provocative and interesting and he was a gentleman in his correspondence. These ideas speak for themselves, without commentary. This archive exists without the author’s permission.

About the author: Michael Wilson is a consultant working in information security, strategy, and information warfare. The author has a 20 year background in military and intelligence operations, and was widely regarded as a pioneer and leader in infrastructural warfare.
Mr. Wilson ran the Iwar listserv for several years, and was a long time participant on the old cypherpunks list. Back in 2001 he presented “Hacker Doctrine in Information Warfare” at the annual Def-con Hackers convention.

Mr Wilson has been a principal of The Nemesis Group, 7 Pillars Partners, and more recently of Decision Support Systems, Inc.

Memetic Engineering–PsyOps and Viruses for the Wetware, by ‘Atreides’, Managing Director, The Nemesis Group
Modern Political Warfare, by ‘Atreides

Terrorism in a New World–Evolution in Revolution, by Michael Wilson, The Nemesis Group
The Essence of Warfare: A Return to First Principles, by Michael Wilson,
National Security and Infrastructural Warfare, by Michael Wilson, 7Pillars Partners
The Precipice Problem: A Guide to the Destabilization of Western Civilization, by Michael Wilson
Musing on the Rebel’s Edge, by Michael Wilson
First Steps Toward A Defense, by Michael Wilson
Analysis of Alqaida Tradecraft, by Michael Wilson
Application of Memetics, by Michael Wilson
Memetic Engineering: PsyOps and Viruses for the Wetware, by Michael Wilson

Blueprint for Disaster: Speculations on Future Low Intensity Conflict, by Michael Wilson
Defense-In-Depth: Design Notes, by Michael Wilson
7Pillars Partners: Hardwar, Softwar, Wetwar, Operational Objectives of Information Warfare, by Michael Wilson
An Inside Guide: Anecdotes of Industrial Espionage, by Michael Wilson
Considering the Net as an Intelligence Tool, by Michael Wilson
Infrastructural Warfare Threat Model, by Michael Wilson
Battle for the Soul of Information Warfare: Pearl Harbor vs. the Hashishim, by Michael Wilson
Scenarios Contrasted–Quick View (Chart for article above)
Modern Political Warfare, by Michael Wilson
The Social Contract, Value Chains, and Dependency Infrastructure-Conflict and the Political Economy, by Michael Wilson SocialContract
Waging IWAR, by Michael Wilson
Untitled (misc notes on 3CI ATT references)

PDF Documents
Reconsidering Healthcare, a Process Oriented Approach (pdf)
Hunting the Sleepers, Tracking al-Qaida’s Covert Operatives (pdf)
Al-Qaida Threat Brief, Executive Summary (pdf)
Al-Qaida’s End-Game, a Strategic Scenario Analysis (pdf)
Continual and Complete Intelligence (2CIntel), a 21st century approach (pdf)
Battlefield Operating System (pdf)
Toward an Ontology of Integrated Intelligence & Conflict: A Primer (pdf)
Gasoline on the Fire, a Strategic Scenario (pdf)
The Intelligence Product Spectrum (pdf)
IWAR Threat Model (pdf)
Secure Communications (pdf)
The Social Contract, Value chains, and Dependency Infrastructures (pdf)
Waging IWAR (pdf)

An MS Word Archive of various Michael Wilson Articles
Michael Wilson – Article Series Archive

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