Bill Maher in rare form, about America and Feminized Values Posted under the label of “well, you know it’s true”
Bill is killed – Grasshopper is dead
I cannot tell you how influential “Kung-fu The Series” was on me when I was a boy. My dad and I watched it after the original Star Trek, every Friday night, from when I was 4 years old to 6 years old. I miss the ’70s. “….Actor David Carradine found dead in Bangkok BANGKOK – […]
Richard Burton on Arab Womenhood as depicted in 1001 Arabian Nights
By El-Hajj Sir Richard Francis Burton, in his translation notes on 1001 Arabian Nights. “THE next point I propose to consider is the position of womanÂhood in The Nights, so curiously at variance with the stock ideas concerning the Moslem home and domestic policy still prevalent, not only in England, but throughout Europe. Many readers […]
A project worth supporting
My friend Anna Kipervaser, is an artist of great talent, who is working on a film with her partners at On Look Films. The movie is called Voices of the Adhan: Egypt, and it aims to be a sensitive look at aspects of the culture and Islamic religion in Egypt involving the “adhan”, the daily […]